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Step Overview – Must have Tools and Apps used in Colleges Hit Parade

This Vitrine technologie-éducation's (VTÉ) Laboratory will go from January to May through various virtual, online and face to face activities.

This Vitrine technologie-éducation’s (VTÉ) Laboratory will go from October to May through various virtual, online and face to face activities.

Tools and Apps in education generates a global interest.
Following our survey, 78% of respondents identified this topic in their top four choices (#1: 11% ; #2: 28% ; #3: 28% ; #4:11%).

VTÉ Lab Objectives

We would like to feel the educators’ pulse about must have tools and apps that help you to support your pedagogical objectives for 2013-2014.
Hit parade categories would be based on Bloom’s taxonomy levels as illustrated by Kathy Schrock in the picture below.

Bloom's Revised Taxonomy - Bloomin' Apps

The Bloom’s Gear image created by Kathy Schrock is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

What are the must have Tools and Apps to support pedagogical objectives?


Your best tools or apps in order to remember, recognize, list, describe, identify, retrieve, name, locate, find and so on.


Your best tools or apps in order to understand, interprete, summarize, infer, paraphrase, classify, compare, explain, exemplify and so on.


Your best tools or apps in order to apply, implement, carry out, use, execute and so on.


Your best tools or apps in order to analyze, compare, organize, deconstruct, attribute, outline, find, structure, integrate and so on.


Your best tools or apps in order to evaluate, check, hypothesize, critique, experiment, judge, test, detect, monitor and so on.


Your best tools or apps in order to create, design, construct, plan, produce, invent, devise, make and so on.

Let us share and know more about quebecers cégep and colleges teachers’ favorite tools and apps. Evolution is so quick!

Don’t forget to also have a look at the related articles!


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