November 17, 2014

Energy and Synergy…for Higher Education

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

Call for Papers for the 35th AQPC Symposium

The next conference of the AQPC (Association québécoise de pédagogie collégiale) will explore the many collaborative networks which operate among students, teachers, professionals and managers in the college network. In doing so, the conference will highlight the powerful exchange network behind all collaborative activities, which supports its participants and strengthens their actions.

The steering committee of the conference invites educators to come and share their findings and thoughts on how to use the synergy resulting from collaborations between students to foster their motivation and success, ways to organize collaboration between networks, on the assessment of individual learning in collective endeavors, and on technologies that facilitate collaboration and extend outside the classroom.

It also wishes to receive communications about projects addressing collaboration in colleges to better take advantage of the interdisciplinary and program approach. The committee also wishes to encourage debate on the challenges of the comprehensive assessment in general training programs as well as those involved in collectively maintaining access to college education in the province’s regions. From an institutional perspective, the conference wants to encourage reflections on links between colleges and their region, Quebec and the world.

The college community distinguishes itself within the Quebec education system by its many collaborative organizations, including Profweb and the AQPC. The conference aims to provide an opportunity to examine the impact of the work of these organizations on the synergy of the network, on the professions and industries that benefit from college training, on the coaching of teachers and professionals, both new and experienced, as well as on the transfer of group expertise to individuals, in management, teaching and research.

The AQPC wishes to receive communication projects from all colleges, universities and schools in Quebec. It also invites partner networks associated with education in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada and in other countries to share their experience and thoughts on these issues of interest in higher education.

This year, the steering committee of the conference expects to receive in excess of 200 communication projects and retain about 125. The process begins with the Call for Communications. Please feel free to peruse the document and let it inspire you.

You have until January 12, 2015 to submit your proposal. The symposium will be held in the Saguenay from June 3 to 5, 2015. The cegeps of Chicoutimi and Jonquière have graciously accepted to be the hosts of this year’s event.

We are looking forward to reading your proposals!

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