
This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

Today we are presenting a video and two podcast interviews with two instructors who teach in the new Active Learning Classrooms (ALC) at McGill University. The video was produced by the McGill Teaching and Learning Services.

Active Learning Classrooms allow students to experiment in a more interactive, participative and collaborative learning environment than traditional classes built for lecturing. They combine three elements: a new design with round tables that facilitate collaborative work, discussion and free roaming; a pedagogy based on problem-based, project-based learning and peer-to-peer learning, and technology that supports interaction and communication.

In the audio podcasts, you can hear Carolyn Samuel, who teaches English as a Second Language, and Maureen Baron, who teaches New Media in the Education Faculty, give us their evaluation of these new teaching spaces.

Teaching and Learning Experiences in Active Learning Classrooms: Highlights

La Vitrine’s Technologie-Éducation‘s mission is to promote and provide support for teachers and educational advisors in the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Quebec’s college network. We produce a bi-weekly newsletter which highlights the latest innovations in the field of ICT and learning.

The podcast phone interviews were produced with Skype, the call was recorded with CallGraph, and the audio recording was edited with Audacity (Callgraph and Audacity are both free software).

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Rafael Scapin
18 April 2011 15h07

Congratulations Raymond on this great article/interview on Active Learning. All the best, Rafael

James Sparks
James Sparks
18 April 2011 17h32

Hey Ray,

Right to the point. Very helpful.


Olivier Tardif-Paradis
Olivier Tardif-Paradis
18 April 2011 21h20

This video is very interresting. I do have the chance to experiment an Interactive classroom and I found some interresting way to use this type of class when I saw the video.

Great job!