December 8, 2016

Fall Favourites from Profweb’s Editorial Committee

This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

As 2016 draws to a close, the team at Profweb asked the members of its Editorial Committee to share an article or Real Life Story that they found particularly interesting or inspiring this fall. Here are their choices.

Michelle Deschênes

Michelle Deschênes, Teacher-Researcher, O’Sullivan College – Quebec

  • Des Espaces web sans frais pour innover dans vos classes (Free Web Space to Innovate in Your Class). A super article written by Alexandre Dal-Pan that not only introduces us to Profweb’s Personal Web Space services, but also draws inspiration from what other teachers are doing with the service. The web space allows teachers to be more autonomous or to publish simply on the web. Even better, it allows teachers to become publishers for their students!
  • Peer Assessment via Moodle, It’s Possible! This Real Life Story from Mario Plantin is the one that I referred the most to my colleagues. We have been working alot with Moodle for several years and it’s interesting to draw inspiration from the practices of other teachers!
  • Comment donner une rétroaction efficace aux étudiants (How to Provide Effective Feedback to Students). This article from Isabelle Senécal on providing feedback is very relevant! A resource that should read and reread, particularly before diving into an intensive period of marking.

Charles Lapointe

Charles Lapointe, ESL Teacher, Cégep de Sainte-Foy

I’ve always been interested in interactive platforms like Moodle. Working in a college that is basically new to to this platform, as soon as I can get my hands on the tool, I get working!

What’s more, doing a lot of peer-based evaluation in my program-specific courses, I was particularly interested by Mario Plantin’s Real Life Story and I will probably try his process out next semester!

Bruno Lemieux

Bruno Lemieux, Education Advisor, Collège Mérici

iSCORE: An ePortfolio in Music for the Benefit of Students! Much like the author Nathalie De Grâce, I like to imagine myself as an “educational traveller” surrounding myself with music. Many of the elements that are covered in this article resonate with me:

  • The development of autonomy and self-regulation in learners
  • Working in a network composed of students, their teachers, their peers and their parents
  • Learning targets and building awareness of the power of taking action

The quest for new technologies contributes to the attainment of our educational intentions and is a daily part of teaching. The author presents her process in a coherent and inspiring Real Life Story!

Kevin Lenton

Kevin Lenton, Physics Teacher, Vanier College

Educational Robotics and Lego: Combining Techniques, Ethics and Fun. One of my favourite Profweb articles comes late in the semester and combines 2 of my favourite passions (at least on paper): Lego and robotics. Jean Labbé, Teacher at Cégep de Lévis-Lauzon, describes how he motivates his students, using fun goals combined with learning objectives aimed at designing, building and programming robots.

This combines many of the aspects of project based learning described in a physics class by Samuel Turcotte. He describes how students can learn from contexts situated in real-world situations, and how technology can support that learning by gathering prior knowledge and finding unknown information.

I’m excited by the opportunities our students now have. I can’t wait to have my own personal robot! (See video of Leonardo further down in the first article).

Ryan W. Moon

Ryan W. Moon, Editor, Profweb

I may be a bit biased in my thinking, but I have a hard time limiting myself to just one favourite! Here are 2 Real Life Stories that I appreciated in the last few months:

  • I particularly enjoyed reading Nathalie De Grace’s Real Life Story on the use of the iScore ePortfolio. As a lover of both music and technology, I thought it was both interesting and insightful to see how musicians are currently being trained using recent innovations. However, I have to admit feeling a bit guilty after reading the article, as my personal pursuit to improve my musical ability has fallen by the wayside for a number of years now!
  • I’ve become a real fan of Charles Laporte’s Real Life Story contributions to Profweb. In Studying Social Networks to Develop IT Skills, Charles demonstrates how teachers can take an innovative new approach to combining curriculum from various disciplines in a complementary course. He does so in a way that is beneficial for students and simultaneously exposes them to aspects of technology and ethics. Once again, well done Charles!

Jean-Luc Trussart

Jean-Luc Trussart, Education Advisor and IT-Representative, Cégep régional de Lanaudière

My favourite is Samuel Turcotte’s article entitled, L’agentivité au service du développement professionnel (Agency in Service of Professional Development). I appreciated this article since it involved the transfer of university research to colleges. The author is an intern from a Master’s program in Education Technology at Université Laval’s Faculty of Educational Science, who discovered, appropriated and verified Profweb resources as part of his training.

It’s also interesting to promote the publication of university essays and theses that deal with pedagogical innovations. Finally, Michelle Deschênes’s work on professional development is very interesting and meaningful for both teachers and Education Advisors.

Paul Turcotte

Paul Turcotte, Philosophy Teacher, Cégep du Vieux Montréal

Making More Effective Use of Availability Hours with a Booking Platform. This article by Angie Stevens on an appointment booking application ( has really simplified my life!

A bit like Catherine Rhéaume’s article related, I have been looking for ways to allow students to round out their reflections by using web-based searches for relevant information, but in order to prevent plagiarism, I ask them to submit their essays in person and to “support” their dissertation by answering questions. I used to organize the meetings using a hack of the Doodle appointment service, but now with, everything is much more clear and simple!

Andréanne Turgeon

Andréanne Turgeon, Editor, Profweb

This fall I really liked the duo on “the different facets of distance education” at the Cégep de Baie-Comeau. These 2 articles by Paul Landry offered different points of view on the same distance education teaching situation in terms of supporting a student that was registered for the Sport-Études program and who was traded to another province in the middle of the semester:

I found this double testimonial to be a wonderful example of teamwork and the educational vocation in support of student success.

Caroline Villeneuve

Caroline Villeneuve, Coordinator, Profweb

  • G Suite pour l’éducation: pour une pédagogie axée sur la collaboration. I have many favourites, but I was impressed by the work that was done by the team at the Cégep de Rimouski, who shared their experience of implementing the G Suite for Education within their college. There was a lovely synergy that developed within this project!
  • Teaching in Tourism… Live from Kenya and South Africa! During the month of November, it feels good to be whisked away to an exotic country. The colourful Real Life Story submitted by Ariane Arpin-Delorme had a medicinal effect on the team and it’s certainly an extraordinary experience for the tourism students to attend a distance education course from Kenya, viewing videos and photos from Southern Africa.

And you? What were your favourites from the Fall of 2016? Please share your picks in the Comments section below!

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