
This text was initially published by Profweb under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence, before Eductive was launched.

This article is a translation of a text published in the French edition of Profweb.

This text will help you to familiarize yourself with Netquiz Web+, a tool that allows you to create and publish formative or summative questionnaires online. The information contained in this tool page is largely taken from the online help site for Netquiz Web+. Each of the tool’s functionalities is detailed there.

What is Netquiz Web+?

Netquiz Web+ is a web tool developed by the Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD) to create and publish online formative or summative questionnaires.

  • 14 question types are available.
  • The response interface is user-friendly and can be adapted to all types of devices.
  • Questionnaires are automatically corrected (except for open-ended questions).
  • In the formative version of Netquiz Web +, you can set up automatic feedback for each question.
  • You have access to the students’ answers in real time.
  • You can export students’ results in PDF or CSV format.
  • You can schedule the publication of assessments to become available during the time period of your choice.

Feature list

Question types

The application allows teachers to create 14 question types :

It is also possible to insert pages that do not contain a question in a questionnaire.
You can get an overview of the different question types with Cinequiz, created by the CCDMD to demonstrate the potential of this application.

For each question, you can add:

  • additional information (hints, references)
  • media (images, sounds or videos)

The application also includes a glossary that can be referred to in your questions.

The application is multilingual; it is possible to choose the language for each of the questionnaires. By default, the application offers French and English, but you can add other languages and define the text to be displayed for all interface elements.

Pedagogical uses of Netquiz Web+

Since the questionnaires are accessible on the Internet, they can be used by students in class (if they have access to computers, tablets or smartphones), but also at home.
This application can be used:

  • Before a learning activity, as a diagnostic evaluation
  • After a learning activity, as a formative or summative assessment

As diagnostic assessments, quizzes can be used to allow students to situate themselves with respect to the upcoming material or to allow the teacher to target the strengths and weaknesses of the group before a class.

Netquiz Web+ has the advantage of providing immediate feedback to students after each question, while minimizing the teacher’s correction time.

Since Netquiz Web+ offers a summative evaluation function, it can be used to have students complete a test or exam remotely or in a computer lab. You can schedule the publication of the assessment to become available at exactly the right time, and also to end at the right time. The students’ results will be available from the Assessments menu.

Flipped teaching support

Christian Drouin, a teacher at Collège de Maisonneuve, uses the quizzes as part of his flipped teaching approach. In his real life story La classe inversée : un catalyseur de changement! [in French], he explains that he uses these “instant surveys” to check on the assimilation of the material by his students, individually or in groups.

How to use Netquiz Web+

Creating an account

The first thing to do for a teacher who wants to use Netquiz Web+ is to create an account.

The creation of an account is free for anyone working in an educational institution who requests access by providing his or her institutional email address.

Once your account is created, you will be able to connect to Netquiz Web+.

Creating a project

Before you can create a questionnaire, you must have created at least 1 project. A project can include a set of questionnaires that use elements stored in a library:

  • items (question pages and content pages of a questionnaire)
  • media (images, sounds, videos)
  • collections (grouping of questionnaires within a project)
  • categories (grouping of items within a project)
  • terms (terms and expressions used in a glossary)
  • languages (user translation of the text of the questionnaire interface into a language other than English or French)

Each project is a distinct environment, but it is possible to export items and questionnaires from one project to another. Each project may be shared with different collaborators.

Creating a questionnaire

In the Questionnaires section, you can create a new questionnaire by clicking Add a new questionnaire.

Adding a new questionnaire

The Netquiz Web+ Help section contains more information on the questionnaire parameters that can be set.

Creating questions

When you create a new questionnaire, a customizable homepage will automatically be created. To add items (questions or content pages) to your questionnaire, click on the gear icon to access the menu.

Adding items to a questionnaire

The same menu also allows you, among other things:

  • to add a section to your questionnaire
  • to include items from your project library (items or content pages) in your questionnaire.

As an example, here is a video presenting how to create an “Association” type question [in French].

Creating an “Association” type question

It is possible to add on extra information for each question, for example :

  • A hint
  • A media source
  • A hyperlink

The “Add-ons” tab allows to insert extra additional information that will be visible to students on the question page.

Note that in order to insert a hyperlink or an image as additional information, you can either right-click the text selection, or click on the icon to display the full-page editing area. The icon bar will then be populated with a larger number of options.

The icon bar can be extended by clicking a button.

The “Add-ons” tab also allows you to add media to a question (images, sounds, videos).

Publishing a questionnaire

To publish a questionnaire when it is ready, select it from the list of your questionnaires. Then, in the “Assessment” tab, you will have the possibility to define the title of the evaluation to be associated with your questionnaire, and to choose a URL for your evaluation. You will be able to publish your formative or summative evaluation immediately or define a later time for a scheduled publication.

Publishing a questionnaire

Once the assessment is published, all you have to do is send the URL to your students so they can complete the questionnaire.

Viewing the results of an assessment

If you have chosen to publish a formative questionnaire (by choosing the type in the “Settings” tab of the questionnaire), you won’t know who answers your questionnaire or what result they obtain. The questionnaire will be accessible through a simple URL, with no access code required, and respondents will not have to enter an identifier or username. If you wish, respondents will receive automatic feedback on each of their answers and they will also see the correct answer.

However, if your questionnaire is of the summative type, you will need to provide the URL and an access code for respondents. To access the questionnaire, students will need to enter an identifier (their permanent code, for example) and a username (their full name, for example). When a student completes the quiz, you will have access to their answers and grades. (You will see a list containing the identifiers and usernames of all respondents, associated with the corresponding grade). You will also be able to correct the answers for “Essay” type questions, if the questionnaire contains any. If you wish, the students will be able to see their grade at the end of the questionnaire (without the points for the “Essay” questions being counted). In “summative” mode, students do not have access to feedback and do not see the correct answers.

If you wish to use a questionnaire in the context of a summative evaluation, it is recommended that you schedule the end of the assessment at a fixed time. Five minutes before the end of the evaluation period, students will receive a message advising them of this upcoming deadline. In this way, they can record their response to the question they are answering, so that it can be taken into account when marking.

Creating a glossary

A glossary is a list of definitions. In the “Library” section, you can add a term by selecting “My terms” from the left-hand menu, then “Add a new term”.

Adding a new term

Once you have created your terms, you can add them to the glossary of one or more questionnaires. There will then be a “Glossary” tab at the top of the quiz for the students and the terms will be automatically underlined and clickable.

Since the word “sum” appears in the glossary of this questionnaire, each of its occurrences is clickable to bring up its definition.

Netquiz Web+ simplifies the creation and management of multimedia exercises on the web. Hundreds of college network teachers use it in their courses. Many CCDMD sites integrate exercises created with Netquiz. How do you plan to use it?


  • Help site for Netquiz Web+
    To know everything about the features of the web application, including explanatory videos and tips and tricks.

About the authors

Catherine Rhéaume

Catherine Rhéaume is an editor and writer for Eductive (previously Profweb) since 2013. She also teaches physics at Cégep Limoilou. Her work for Eductive fosters her interest for technopedagogy and encourages her to try innovative teaching practices.

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